Thursday, January 28, 2016

My Theme Song For 2016

I've decided on my theme song for this year! 

Since my biggest goal is to maintain focus, I've decided that the best way to describe my aspirations for this year (and the rest of my life) go along nicely with "First."

"I want to seek You, I want to seek You
I want to keep You, I want to keep You
More than anything I want
I want You
-Lauren Daigle (First)

I figured that sums up my desires and goals pretty well! 

I want God to come first, regardless of whatever He sends my way in years to come.

Big Goals

As an aspiring author, one of my goals for this year is to actually finish the story I have been working on (continuously) for the past three or four years. I am a major perfectionist and I want to make sure it is just right before I attempt to publish it.

The problem is, I am no longer sure if I even want to publish my trilogy. It might just become a family story rather than something I decide to share with the world. Also, my plan was to self-publish a collection of stories and poems to send to different publishers. That way they would have an idea of what I write. But only if I decide I want to actually publish my stories. It's an internal struggle I've been having lately.

I feel like my writing is not good enough to compete with the other amazing authors in the world. But at the same time, I feel like that is all I want to do for the rest of my life. So getting published is something I'm still considering doing.

However, regardless of whether my story is publishable or not, I am determined to finish it this year! It is time that I finished what I started, and I'm sure I'll feel better after accomplishing that goal.

Maybe my goal is to keep finishing things I've started. Be persistent and persevere. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Random Note

I found this and I wanted to share with my readers, because it is accurate. This is why I write.

I couldn't have put it any better myself! 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Therapeutic/Medical Animals

Something I have done a lot of research on is the possibility of a diabetic alert dog. Actually, it is possible to have a therapeutic/medical animal of pretty much any kind. I've learned several things about these animals, so I'd like to share what I've learned.

  1. Diabetic alert dogs do not necessarily need a certain kind of certification. If they are trained, then they are considered medical equipment. 
  2. Diabetic alert dogs are not required to wear any kind of specific vest, collar or anything distinguishing them as medical equipment. However, it is recommended that they wear a vest to store some kind of snack in (just in case). 
  3. If you have the dog with you, regardless of what kind of dog it is (i.e., pit bull or corgi), the only two questions that anyone can ask you about the animals is if it is a service animal and what kind of service the animal gives you. Other questions are prohibited by HIPPA, and your privacy is protected. 
  4. The only place that can "kick you out" because of your animal is a restaurant. The hair can be a violation of the health codes, so the animal may not be allowed inside (which is fine because most places have outdoor/patio seating). 
  5. The animal is NOT a family pet, and it should not be treated like one. While the dog may belong to a family and love everyone in the family, it has to be understood that the dog is working. It should be more concerned about its partner than about being "loved on" by its family. It will feel a mixture of loyalty if it is not trained to belong to its partner. 
  6. As I have mentioned above, the dog is working. That means that when the dog and its partner are out and about, it shouldn't necessarily be available to be pet by every passer by. This can distract the animal and its partner, so it makes it harder for the dog to do its job properly. The dog shouldn't be irritable with the community, but it shouldn't be used to the attention either. Try not to let the dog to be distracted. 
  7. These animals are very easy to train, but they must be trained with their partner. If the animal is not trained with their partner, then the animal may or may not "work" properly. 
  8. These dogs can be very expensive, but despite popular belief, a handler doesn't have to purchase his/her partner from a training company. The handler can train the dog themselves. I have trained two different animals (a pit bull and a cat) to be tuned into my diabetes. It isn't difficult if the dog is loyal and eager to please. Fun fact: cats are very easy to train! 
  9. As an extension of #8, therapeutic/medical animals do not have to be dogs. Dogs are more common, but it is possible to have a cat or even a rabbit as a medical animal. (Disclaimer: Probably. I've never experimented with training rabbits, but I have read that it is possible.)
  10. It is actually better to get and train an adult dog than it is to get and train a puppy. Puppies require a lot of work themselves, and they are still adored by everyone so they will be distracted. Also, dogs go through adolescence too. The puppy might turn into the teenage nightmare. It is better to get and train an adult dog/animal so that the dog understands its "job" and so that it will have already gone through adolescence. 
So, because of what I have learned from my research on the topic, I have made another goal for my life. Probably not to be accomplished this year, but eventually I would like to help people train their own therapeutic/medical animals. I know it can be expensive, so I want to help people out by offering a cheaper, more accessible service. Most people cannot afford a $29,000 dog which may or may not "work properly." I also want to get my own animal and train it, although convincing my parents may be harder than I want it to be. Mostly because of that whole "not a family pet" thing. But anyway, that is my goal! I want to help people. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Embrace the Fandom!

Okay... so here's my weirdom showing again. But this is a goal of mine for this year:

Attend as many anime conventions as possible, and COSPLAY at all of them.

I know I can thank Yama-Con 2015 for that. But I have to admit that I love the odd-beauty that comes from acting completely ridiculous with my fandoms. 

No judgement.

New experiences.


New friends.

Good times.  

I mean, everywhere else in the world I have to act the way that society dictates. Like... no blue hair if you want a job that actually means something. (I understand that, but I happen to love my blue hair!) But when I'm at the convention with my sister, I feel pretty free to be organized-crazy like I want to be. 

Probably most of that comes down to being with my sister. She makes me feel completely free to be who I am, because I know that she loves me regardless of my weirdoms. (Actually, she's weirder than I am. If I can say that. In fact, she is the cause for my anime weirdoms. Which she is pretty proud of.) Autumn is literally my best friend and my better half, and I'm so glad that God blessed me with her. I'd either be dead or insane right now if I didn't have her to balance me out. She takes very good care of me and I try to take care of her. 

I cannot wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for her and I, and our weirdoms! 

Friday, January 22, 2016

God Bless America

There are a lot of things happening in America right now that I am certain my God is not proud of. There are definitely a lot of things going on that I am not proud of! It saddens me to see the state that my country is in and the blinders that people wear. I wish that I could show them, but they refuse to listen and it turns into a debate rather than a discussion. When I get too frustrated, I turn to my God and my Bible for comfort and guidance in my situation. I find peace in one particular verse, which I would love to share with you all.

 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)

There are a few things I would like to point out with this verse. First, 2 Chronicles was written in the Old Testament, but that does not make it obsolete. Just as God is timeless, so is His Word and it applies to every day and age. Second, I believe that "My people" has become Christians, rather than just the Jews, but the verse still applies to God's people. Third, regardless of how sinful or wicked people are, God is eternally merciful if we truly seek forgiveness. It gives me hope for America, because I know that if we will humble ourselves and pray (and truly seek His forgiveness) then He will heal our land.

Knowing this, I have made it a personal goal of mine to pray for America everyday this year. I am humbling myself and asking Him to take control of my country and save it. I am doing what I can to help restore and revive America. At this point, I believe that all I am capable of doing is praying. I would, however, like to take it a step further and challenge my friends, family and readers to pray with me. The bible also says that:

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."Matthew 18:20 (KJV)

I know that without God, it is impossible for my country to be healed. I also know that Jesus said where two or more gather in His name, He is there with us. So I would like to ask for your participation in prayer! I want to challenge American Christians to make time at about noon to pray for this country. Pray for Christian leaders, who will allow God to be the true ruler of our nation. Pray for the blinders to be removed from our friends and family. Pray for the restoration of our former Christian nation. Pray that God will heal, inspire and revive America (to borrow words from Ben Carson). Just pray for America. 

I say noon because I figure that is lunch time, and most people will have a momentary break from school or work. This provides the perfect opportunity for a talk with God. But, if you do not usually have a break at noon, feel free to pray whenever you are given the opportunity. Please do join me and my family in prayer for our nation. 

May God bless America, as He did when we served Him! 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Maintaining Focus

I promised to share with you all my aspirations for this year. So here is one of them!

I want to maintain focus on what is truly important. 

Let me tell you what I mean by that: 

  • What is truly most important is God. He comes before all else--family, friends, relationships, church school, job, self, etc. He deserves my affection and attention, and this year I will remember that He is first. That is not to say that the other things are not good things, it is just that God does not want competition in my life, and I will refuse to allow any of those things to be competition. (The people in the examples ought to want me to put God first, and they ought to understand why I do that. If they do not, then they should have a talk with Him about it--not me.) 
  • Maintaining focus on God means totally surrendering my life to Him. (I am a saved Christian, but I am beginning to see total surrender in a different way.) For me, total surrender is realizing that He owns my life, so I am doing with it as He pleases rather than as I desire. Literally speaking, wherever He wants me to go and whatever He wants me to do, I will obey. That is what I want to give Him, because that is all I can give Him. He knows what is best for me, so I don't ever want to be somewhere that He is not. 
  • In order to totally surrender my life to God, I must listen to what He tells me. That means a lot of time spent with Him, so I can recognize His voice when He calls me. Bible time daily, and a lot of prayer. Both of those ought to be important in the life of a Christian, because that is how He speaks to us and also how we speak to Him. I don't want to do this out of duty, but rather out of devotion. My faith is more about a relationship with God than about anything else. In order to have that relationship, I have to spend time with Him. It's that simple. (Something I would like to add: knowing the Bible is quite different than knowing it's Author. I don't want to just know the Bible--I want to have a close relationship with it's Author.)
  • Knowing God and knowing what He wants me to do is one thing. But being a Christian and putting Him first means that I actually have to do what He is calling me to do! That isn't always easy, but I trust that He can handle everything we go through. I will follow His lead without question or debate, (to borrow some words from a friend of mine) because I have read Jonah and I don't want to be swallowed by a big fish. I know He has pretty big plans for me, so I intend to allow Him to work in my life. 
It is important to maintain focus, and I had recently forgotten how important that was. It was a painful reminder. This year, I am living in total surrender and I am going to focus on Him. That doesn't mean that I can't have fun or that I can't enjoy life, but I will remember Who I have to thank for that. I intend to follow wherever He leads me, happily and without question. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

My Little Hero

There are two ways I can look at this. I am going to give you the bad before I give you the good.

Bad: My annoying little sister wakes me up at 4:30 every morning so that I can check my sugar! That is her way of telling me that I cannot take care of myself and she refuses to let me sleep! Ugh!

Good (and how I actually look at this): I am so THANKFUL to have a little sister who is selfless enough to set an alarm for 4:30 every morning to make sure my sugar doesn't drop and I live to see morning. In so many ways, she is my little hero.

To be honest, I've never looked at it the bad way. Maybe once or twice when I had not slept very well, but never to that extent.

A few weeks ago I had a middle-of-the-night diabetes scare, where if I wouldn't have set an alarm randomly (I had no reason to, and I never do), I would not have woken up. My sugar was only 40 at 4am, but I didn't wake up like I usually do. I was in a very deep sleep. The next night at 4am, I was only 30. Every night since then my sweet little sister has come to check on me and make sure that I am okay. She makes me check my sugar and then we both go back to sleep. Until I was 18, my Mom did that for me. If I have been having a rough day with diabetes she will still check me throughout the night to make sure that I am okay.

Too often I read about diabetics who are "dead in bed." This basically means that their sugar drops too low while they are sleeping and they do not wake up. I never want this to be me, but it has come close quite a few times in the past year and it scares me a little more every time. I am so blessed to have a family that is willing to help me take care of my disease to ensure my safety! I am eternally thankful for that blessing. It is because of my family that I am still alive, and probably because of them that I do not have any complications from my disease.

I guess God just isn't done with me yet, so He decided to wake me up and let me stick around for a while. He never ceases to amaze me.

January Theme Change

So, I needed to change my theme for January but I wasn't entirely sure what to change it to (hence the reason I have not posted yet this month). Autumn helped me decide that I was going to write about my goals for the year! So that is the plan.

Except plenty of posts to come!

Also, I have a few things to share that do not really go with the theme. But I'm going to post them anyway. Please look forward to what I am thankful for.

More updates later, I apologize for the short post and the absence lately.