Monday, November 2, 2015

Some Ways I Will Be Showing My Support This Month

So I thought I would share with you all some of the ways I intend to show my support or raise awareness this month.

First--and I enjoy doing this--at least on the 14th (International T1D Day) I will be dying my hair blue!! That way, every time someone asks me about it I can tell them what it is for. This helps to raise awareness, as well shows how fun I can be.

Second I am giving several speeches at my school. Two different teachers have agreed to let me give a 15-20 minute speech during class about what I go through daily. I plan on giving my personal story, some information about insulin and different treatments/medical equipment, and statistics. I am both nervous and very excited about these opportunities. I also plan on making blue ribbons to give to the students in the classrooms if they want them...

Also, my big sister (Aschlii) has set something up with some different groups she is in on the social medias. She has told her "Dart buddies" that this is National Diabetes Awareness month, so they are supporting me in many different car-creative ways. (As a side note, you should check out her blog! The link is attached to her name above.) This will reach people nation-wide and on a totally different level than I am capable of doing alone, so I am very blessed by her willingness to do that for me.  (THANK YOU DARTSOFMERICA!)

I would like to see how many of my readers are showing their support as well. If you have done something to show your support or help raise awareness this month (even if it is just wearing blue) and you are willing to do so, post it on social media using the hashtags #fightlikeataylor and #projectbluenovember (also try #nationalt1dawarenessmonth or #diabetesawareness). I would be very blessed to see how many people love me!

Later this month I will be setting up a way to donate money to JDRF (the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation). I'm hoping for at least $1 a day to be able to go toward research for a cure for this disease.

If anyone has any questions they would like me to answer this month, or something that they would like to see posted, please do let me know by commenting! I would love to answer questions to help spread awareness! (If you do not want to comment your question below, feel free to message me on my facebook page or email me at

Also, if you have a different way to spread awareness please let me know! I want to hear your ideas!

Thank you for reading! Comment, subscribe, like and share! 

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