Saturday, July 16, 2016

Bad Day.


I have been battling with 300 since about 11 am! I am so tired of diabetes right now! The honest truth is I feel like I've been hit by a truck, and I'm irritated enough that I'm not very fun to be around. This is mostly because of a site that I waited too long to change. But the longer I waited to change it, the higher my blood sugar went and it stayed there. I got irritated that it wouldn't come down, and that made matters worse. It won't come down if I'm irritated. I had to calm myself down, but it still didn't come down until 12 hours after it spiked. 

It's no fair when it throws me a wildcard... 

I ran today to try to get it down. I had a TON of insulin, both with a shot and with my pump. I took medicine. I did everything I could have, and it would not behave. 

I even drove in town to meet a friend before it went up so high. I had to call my Mom and Tay-dar to come get me! That makes me feel like an inconvenient failure.  

Yes, God is good. All the time. Even when my sugar won't behave. But sometimes I have a hard time dealing with my little monster. Still, I'd rather it be me than you. 

Thank you for letting me rant a little. 

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