My insulin pump kept giving me the "No Delivery" warning when Dad bought us dinner last night. Basically, that means that it isn't doing its only job and delivering insulin to my body. Usually there is a kink in the tubing or a problem with the tubing inside my body when I get that warning.
It took me several tries and playing with the tubing to get insulin for dinner, but when I checked my sugar later I was 364. That tells me that I didn't get enough insulin for dinner regardless of how much the pump thought was delivered. I was able to get my blood sugar down eventually, but it took me all night to get it back in range. I've been sick, too, so it spikes unless I stay on the medicine (which I may or may not have forgotten to take).
I checked my sugar at 9:30 this morning and I was finally 101, almost perfect. I got out of bed and took my synthroid (thyroid medication) like I always do, but it didn't take long before my sugar started rising. I didn't eat until 11, and my sugar was already over 150.
Even though I got insulin for my meal, my blood sugar continued to rise. I checked my sugar after meeting with one of my pastors at church and I was 285 (and rising rapidly, according to the dexcom). That was at 11:45. There is a park behind my church, so I went and played on the swings until my sugar was within driving range so that I could meet my friends at the movies. At this point, I was very close to canceling because I did not feel good at all.
I used my pump to get insulin, but playing on the swings should have initiated a drop in blood sugar. It did, and my pump decided to work (I wonder if I had an air bubble?) so my sugar was within driving range by 12:30. I made it to the movies without any other issues, but when the movie started to get interesting my dexcom let me know that I was low and dropping. I was about to dig through my bag for a fruit snack when my friend and I were told we had to evacuate the building because of a bomb threat. (Which is not abnormal these days for anywhere in Morganton, NC). That drove my blood sugar even lower, since I was slightly freaked out by it.
I never went below 55, but I had to walk someplace close with my friend to get a meal before I could drive home. I was afraid to eat because I didn't know how diabetes would react to that. I remembered my medicine today, though! And I'm thankful that my friend didn't leave until my blood sugar was back in driving range. I was able to drive home after I ate my meal, and my blood sugar is 140 as I'm typing this. I guess the medicine was the key to the blood sugars.
Please say a prayer that I can maintain the good blood sugars, especially while I'm sick. Sometimes even when I don't feel the illness as bad, my little monster still knows it's there. That makes things 1000 times worse than it already is.
Not so fun fact: Diabetes is predictably unpredictable. Always.
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