Thursday, November 5, 2015

Treatment facts

So I was doing some math the other day for a speech I'm giving. I was trying to figure out how much stuff I've used since my diagnosis. This does not include anything that has failed or that I do not use consistently. For example, the insulin pens that I have used over the years I won't count in this because I only use those when I am sick or when my pump is not working. I'll share what I found here.

Test strips are a big one. I check my sugar 10-12 times daily. This is not counting when I am sick and I have to check more often, or when there is a meter error so I have to check again. So that is 12*365*18= 78,840 test strips (in a perfect world) since my diagnosis. Also not counting the strips that have been used since my "anniversary" in August of last year. Each box costs on average $70 and has 50 strips in it, so that is (78,840/50)*70= $110,376 in test strips in the past 18 years.

As far as shots go, I used to use 10-12 daily. I did that for five years. That is 12*365*5=21,900 shots in my first five years of diagnosis. The needles alone are $25/box, and there are about 50 in the box. So (21,900/50)*25=10,950. That is how much money 5 years worth of shots (not including the insulin I use with them) will cost. $10,950. That just pays for my insulin pump ($9000).

Insulin is very expensive as well. Assuming I use two vials of insulin every week and I have been a diabetic for 18 years, that is 2*52*18=1872 vials of insulin. Each vial costs between $75 to $100. So that is 1872*100= $187,200 on insulin, not including vials that did not work or times that I had to use more than average. Also not including the time between August and now.

I haven't had a dexcom for very long, so I can't really include that in my list of supplies I've used. I have used about three months worth of supplies for the dexcom. I know that each month is about $900 worth of medical supplies, and the receiver itself costs somewhere between $1500-$2000. I don't even know what to figure for the transmitter.

My insulin pump is a $9000 machine that I have had since I was 5. Actually, I've had several since I was 5. I've upgraded twice, and the most recent pump has been replaced at least 4 times for various reasons (under warranty, thankfully).

I don't know how to account for other supplies (like lancets, meter and lace, etc.) and their costs. I know I've used them, but I have no idea how many lancets I've used. I don't even have a rough estimate!  

I'm a very expensive kid! But I am also a very blessed one. God has taken care of me beyond my comprehension. He gave me parents that were willing to take care of me--unconditionally--and he gave me the strength to get through this. Yeah, I cost quite a bit. But to the people who matter, I'm worth it. (Apparently.)

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