Friday, January 27, 2017

Strawberry banana walnut oatmeal!

Why are people afraid of carbs? Even as a type 1 diabetic, I don't understand that. CARBS ARE ENERGY.That is all. Quick sugars are one kind and they are dangerous, especially for diabetics. Those are usually found in candy, soda pop and other sugary foods.

The difference: monosaccharides vs polysaccharides. Polysaccharides take longer to digest because they have to be broken down into monosaccharides before the body can use them. That gives your body more time to respond, and it gives my insulin (and your pancreas) more time to work before it hits.

So carbs are good for you! Especially at breakfast time! Why at breakfast time?  Because carbs are energy! It helps you to get ready for the rest of the day! Even for type 1 diabetics!

Why am I bringing this up? Because I want to tell you what a good breakfast option is, but I have to justify eating so many carbs before I can do that.

Fun fact: I love making breakfast at any time of the day.

So, here we go!

Strawberry banana walnut oatmeal!

What you need: 
3 medium sized strawberries
1/2 a banana (you can just eat the other half if you want)
1/2 cup of walnuts
Single serving of oatmeal, NOT instant. 

Step 1:
Get your oatmeal measured out and start boiling your water or milk (whichever you prefer). 

Step 2: 
While the water is heating up, wash and cut your fruit. Also measure out your walnuts. 

Step 3: 
Your water will most likely be boiling by the time your fruit is prepared, so go ahead and stir in your oatmeal. Let it cook for a minute or two if you don't want it overly soupy.

Step 4:
Pour up your oatmeal when you are satisfied with the soupiness (definitely a word). Then add your fruit and walnuts.  
Step 5 (optional):
Add a teaspoon of pure cane sugar for sweetness if you aren't satisfied with the natural flavoring from the fruit. 


This breakfast is a great energy booster that covers most of your food groups (especially if you drink a glass of milk with it). It most definitely helps me to get a good start on my day. I also do this recipe with blueberries (with no walnuts, but thinking about adding almonds). Mix and match until it fits your tastebuds. :)

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